EcoXploration Sailing

Exclusivity meets sustainability
Discover exclusive sailing adventures on our EcoXploration hybrid sailing yacht! With a maximum of four guests and an experienced skipper on board, we guarantee a personal experience. Immerse yourself in luxury as you explore the seas sustainably together. Exclusivity meets sustainability – your unique sailing experience begins here!

Our Eco-Hybridsailingyacht

A yacht for all oceans and all weathers. Modern, reliable, functional and above all safe. Built to explore the world - more

Meta 43 DS Sailing Yacht

Our Vision 

Exclusivity meets sustainability - more

Teambuilding company event

What is EcoXploration Sailing?

What is EcoXploration Sailing?
Discover the future of sailing with us! Welcome to EcoXploration Sailing, where we pride ourselves on using renewable energy.

Our yacht is not only a symbol of exclusivity, but also of sustainability. Thanks to high-quality materials, their service life is extended and wear is minimized.

In the interior, we use recycled materials that are not only stylish, but also reflect our ecological values. And the best? Our aluminum construction allows the yacht to be fully recycled at the end of its life cycle.

Innovation is our top priority. We are taking new approaches, such as collecting rainwater on a sailing yacht, to conserve resources and protect the environment.

But we don't neglect comfort and safety either. With state-of-the-art navigation systems and energy management systems, we offer an unparalleled experience at sea.

Discover the world with EcoXploration Sailing and experience the perfect combination of exclusivity and sustainability!

sailing charter

How did EcoXploration Sailing come about? Let me tell you the story behind...

“Let go, finally take time for yourself, let the wind in your sails and the sun in your face” – these inspiring words from the song “Lass los” by the sailor Alias TheSailingbassmann Claus Aktoprak not only awakened the longing, but also the impetus for given this unique project.

In a world in which everyday life often takes away the time for regular sailing, the vision of “sailing in the home office” emerged. Sailing is more than just a hobby for me; it is a passion and an area of interest that unfortunately I cannot pursue on a regular basis. Instead, I have found that I enjoy just as much philosophizing, planning, designing and building about sailing.

The idea of starting a charter company was the perfect way to share my passion for sailing with others. I enjoy implementing projects and planning vacations, especially when it comes to creating the perfect sailing vacation for others. But that's not all: the challenge of making a sailing yacht as ecological as possible awakened incredible energy in me. Since then, I have worked tirelessly to find the most environmentally friendly solutions for every detail.

Going on virtual trips, experiencing the fascinating trips from home and actively participating in the design and construction phase - that is my passion and my contribution to the world of sustainable sailing. This is how the idea of EcoXploration Sailing came about, took shape and was implemented. EcoXploration Sailing will accompany me for many years and I will ensure great experiences, unforgettable sailing trips and enthusiastic charter guests every year. This is my vision, my mission and my promise!

Stay up to date, follow our news and follow us on our social media channels. Start dreaming about being on board our unique yacht, because the first trip suggestions will soon be offered. Be one of the first charter guests and make your sailing dreams come true!

Yours, Michael Brüderlin
CEO of EcoXplorationSailing


The anticipation of unforgettable trips in summer 2026 is already noticeable!
You can find the tour plan with precise dates and locations by clicking on this link.
 On that site we offer detailed descriptions and insights into our planned adventures.

A maximum of four crew members plus your skipper are permitted on each trip - so it's worth acting quickly! Secure your place on board this exclusive explorer sailing yacht and experience unique moments on the high seas.

Do you have your own ideas or questions? We value your opinion and look forward to considering your suggestions! Please feel free to send us a message, because your individual wishes are important to us.

For even more exclusivity, we would be happy to plan a private charter trip according to your ideas. Or maybe you dream of a longer break at sea? After individual consultation, the yacht is also available to you as a long-term charter boat. The options are many and we are here to make your sailing dreams come true. Stay tuned – the future of charter sailing awaits you!You can find more information about this in the “Private Charter” section.

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Scotland Castle
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Explore Nature Adventure
EcoXplorationSailing Ecoxploration Sailing
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